Recent Works

History 440 Project

‘Weird Youngsters’ and ‘Colorful Costumes’ Racialized Performances in the fraser Valley during the Last Hundred Years or So 

Did you know black­face and oth­er racial­ized cos­tumes were a com­mon pas­time for Fras­er Val­ley school chil­dren? Ever heard of a school fes­ti­val called Slave Day? 



Octo­ber 2021: This poster syn­the­sizes my web­page Hal­loweens 1920s-1950s, it is an attempt to share pub­lic his­to­ry with a non-aca­d­e­m­ic audience. 


Sep­tem­ber 2021: Info­graph­ic pre­sent­ed at the UFV PARC Poster Day, on behalf of the Kwantlen First Nation. 


May 2021: A sum­ma­ry of the exis­tence of the KKK in Abbots­ford for BC Stud­ies. Please watch the poster pre­sen­ta­tions and pan­el.