Abbotsford’s Hushed History of Racism

“The series dives into top­ics such as racial divi­sions with­in the City of Abbots­ford, his­tor­i­cal rev­e­la­tions of white suprema­cy in the Fras­er Val­ley, and lived expe­ri­ences from experts and com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers.” The Abbots­ford News

Jan­u­ary 2021: I was invit­ed to share my research at UFV’s Schol­ar­ly Shar­ing Ini­tia­tive. It is very neat that the first pan­el I have been on is recorded!

May 2021: I nar­rat­ed my poster sub­mis­sion for BC Stud­ies, enti­tled “Time­line of the KKK in Abbotsford.”

June 2021: After I was award­ed the BCFH schol­ar­ship, I was inter­viewed by my pro­fes­sor, Dr. Ian Rocks­bor­ough-Smith, about my aca­d­e­m­ic journey.